Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dark skin

Today, when I clerked a Malay patient in the ward, he threw me a question:

'Are u mixed of Siamese?'

'No la, I am Chinese, but I am get used when people ask me this question.' answered with a sweet smile.

I know if my name tag didn't show my name, he properly will think that I am a Malay.

'Oh.. Then are you from Penang?'

'Ya, how do you know that?' surprised

'I can guess from the way you talked to me.'

Since I was small, I don't have fair skin as a chinese should have. Not just due to I like outdoor activities, instead, I stays indoor more often. Think properly, genetic could play some factor in my darker skin colour.

My daddy has dark skin too, caused mainly by his job who exposed alot under sunlight. If I go out together with my dad, sure the strangers will have the impression that we are Malays.

It was not a new experience to me when strangers spoke malay to me, while both of us are Chinese. Since secondary schoool or during my part time job after SPM, I met these situations always. Most of the time, I chose to answer them in Mandarin. What I get after that were their surprise and embarrassing facies. Especially when I kept super short hair that time, I like to make a joke that I came from Indonesia, working as Indonesian maid. Each time I go out, I must bring my IC to prevent I am treated as illegal immigren.

After keeping long hair, this situation does not improve much. The better I was told I looks like a singer, who is also a Malay. =.=lll On the street, I was still asked in Malays by Chinese uncles and aunties. Lecturers, not matter Chinese or Malay like to throw me the same question:

'Are you Siamese?'

'No, I am pure Chinese.'

This is my standard answer.

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